How to get rid of acne without any money at home

How to get rid of acne without any money at home

Hey, guys today I am here to tell you a secret. Yes, a secret of how to get rid of acne. Well, I know most of you guys will be tensed and frustrated due to your acne. Acne not only makes your face look bad but at the same time, it irritates your skin and also pain. There are so many home remedies to treat it but some remedies may not suit your skin type. Also, some people visit doctors and they do various types of treatment but of course, the treatment to only cure acne is very expensive at the same time. So today I am here to help you out with your acne problems without any money at home.
ice cube benefits

So to treat your acne you just need some water. You guys might be thinking why water so let me tell you that water is used to clean dut on your face and body also when you drink it then it is beneficial for you. Because we can not live without water right. You use water in a liquid state but here to cure acne from water you need to use water in a solid-state. Means you have to make ice. That's all you need is an ice cube.

Now how to use the ice cube. So first a fall make sure to wash your face nicely. Then take any type of moisturizer and apply it to your face. Then take the ice cube and gently rub it all over your face without putting pressure on it. 

Ice cube is best for your skin. Also when you apply moisturizer first and then rub an ice cube over it then it works on your skin 100 times better. Rubbing ice cubes daily for at least 5 min will not only will cure your acne. But also will make your skin glowing and will reduce wrinkles too.

I hope it will help you a lot so go ahead and start to use it from now onwards. You will see the results in some weeks. So believe in yourself and do it every day. And you will get your desired skin for true. 