Drinking water in the morning - a cure for many diseases

 Drinking water in the morning - a cure for many diseases

However, in today's world, people are dissolving poison in their bodies by using high-power medicine and pills for even the small problems. 

 At the same time, a very easy experiment was brought to light, adopting which crores of Indians have always remained healthy and happy since ancient times. Adopt it and get rid of hundreds of diseases.


There is only one simple way to cure many deadly diseases, new and old:

Drinking water in the morning.

Drinking water in the morning is very useful for the body.

Every night before sleeping, keep one and a half liters of water in a copper vessel.

Putting a silver coin in water makes the water more powerful.

Always place a copper vessel filled with water over a non-conducting object (plastic, wood, or blanket).

After getting up before sunrise in the morning, sit and drink the copper vessel water kept in the night.

Drinking water while standing causes pain in the calves later on. Therefore, drink water only while sitting on a hot seat or a non-conducting object.

Do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes. During use, drink water only two hours after having breakfast or meals.

Consuming water regularly in the morning is beneficial for new and old diseases:


• Diabetes (diabetes),

blood pressure,

• Paralysis,

• Phlegm, cough, asthma (bronchitis),

• Liver diseases,

• Irregular menstruation of women,

• cancer of the uterus,

• Hemorrhoids (warts),

• Pimples and pimples,

• Aging and wrinkles on the skin,

• Anemia (lack of blood),


• Tuberculosis (TB), Cancer,

• All urinary diseases (stones, metallurgy, etc.),

• Swelling, fever, acidity (acidity),

• Vata-pitta-Kapha diseases,

• Headache, joint pain,

• Heart disease and fainting,

• All diseases of the eyes,

• meningitis, leucorrhoea,

• Gas problems and waist related diseases,

• Mental infirmity,

• Stomach diseases etc.

Many people have benefited from this wonderful experiment. You to take advantage of it. Patients suffering from malaise, wind disease, and joint pain should use lukewarm water. If it is not hot, then 1 to 2 black pepper powder or dry ginger or carom seeds can be added to it.

Drinking four glasses of water together does not have any ill effects on health. For the first two to four days, urine will come a little more often but later it will be fine.

Do not drink one and a half liters of water with kidney problems, they should determine the amount of water after consulting a doctor.

Thank you, start the process of consuming water from today itself and become healthy and

be happy in life. Make sure to maintain your health properly and stay safe.
