How to master in any type of online fighting game as a beginner And become MVP every time

 How to master in any type of online fighting game as a beginner And become MVP every time

Nowadays there are so many people who play various online fighting games like COD, PUBG, FreeFire, etc. Online games make a person feels happy. When we play a game we always try to give our best and to win.

Freefire, COD, PUBG


So today I am going to tell you guys how you can be a master of every fighting game as a beginner.


Just simple steps to follow and you will be MVP in each game.

The steps to follow are:

1. Never get panic while fighting. If you play without panicking then you can kill your opponent.

2. Always use two fingers. If you are a beginner never go for three or four fingers. Just use two fingers you can play very well with two fingers. Four fingers make you confused about and you get out easily.

3. Be with your team always. If you are a beginner then you have to stay with your team members. So if you are in a trouble your team members will save you.

4. Use a gun instead of a knife. As a beginner using a gun is easier than using a knife. From a gun, you can kill a faraway person from you. But from a knife, you can only kill the person when he is close to you. So better use a gun.

5. Hide when gun bullets are over. This is the most important thing you should keep in mind. Because while playing you just forget to check your gun bullets and you get out. So hide whenever seems like your gun bullets are getting over. So that you can reload it and while reloading no one kill you if you hide.

6. The last step is always to study the map on which you are going to play. So you can find places to hide and the best place to shoot your opponent too.


These were the steps you should follow to become MVP in every game. And you can show your friends how good you are at fighting games such as COD, PUBG, FreeFire, etc.

Author: Nidhi Choudhary


